Immerse yourself in the world of VR: excitement and fun at Q8!

Experience gaming like never before! In the Q8 Sportslounge, we offer you an innovative virtual reality experience that transports you to another dimension. Whether races, adventures or action-packed challenges – immerse yourself in our fascinating VR world and leave everyday life behind you.

Your VR adventure starts here at Q8!

Discover our state-of-the-art VR machines, which provide unforgettable experiences in the Q8 Sportslounge. Grab your friends or come alone and plunge into unique, thrilling gaming worlds that will challenge and excite your senses.


Motorcycle simulator

Put on your helmet and start the engine – our VR motorcycle simulator takes you on fast roads and breathtaking routes. Feel the speed and the adrenaline as if you were really on the slopes!


AUtor racing simulator

Are you ready for the race of your life? Our VR car racing simulator puts you behind the wheel of a high-performance car. Experience first-hand what it’s like to race against time and other drivers on world-famous racetracks.


VR Gaming Simulator

Whether alone or as a couple, our 2-seater VR gaming simulator offers an incomparable experience. Immerse yourself in exciting worlds, from epic battles to fantastic adventures, and experience VR as it should be – immersive, gripping and thrilling.

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